Literatur: Hulme
Literatur: Bergson-Rezeption
Literatur: The New Age
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Texte zur Theorie und Rezeption des Symbolismus
23. Creation of imagery to force language to convey over this freshness of impression. The particular kind of art we are concerned with here, at any rate, can be defined as an attempt to convey over something which ordinary language and ordinary expression lets slip through. The emotion conveyed by an art in this case, then, is the exhilaration produced by the direct and unusual communication of this fresh impression. To take an example: What is the source of the kind of pleasure which is given to us by the stanza from Keats' "Pot of Basil," which contains the line
"And she forgot the blue above the trees."
I do not put forward the explanation I give here as being, as a matter of fact, the right one, for Keats might have had to put trees for the sake of the rhyme, but I suppose for the sake of illustration that he was free to put what he liked. Why then did he put "blue above the trees" and not "sky"? "Sky" is just as attractive an expression. Simply for this reason, that he instinctively felt that the word "sky" would not convey over the actual vividness and the actuality of the feeling he wanted to express. The choice of the right detail, the blue above the trees, forces that vividness on you and is the cause of the kind of thrill it gives you.
24. This particular argument is concerned only with a very small part of the effects which can be produced by poetry, but I have only used it as an illustration. I am not trying to explain poetry, but only to find out in a very narrow field of art, that of the use of imagery, what exactly the kind of emotion you call æsthetic consists of. The element in it which will be found in the rest of art is not the accidental fact that imagery conveys over an actually felt visual sensation, but the actual character of that communication, the fact that it hands you over the sensation as directly as possible, attempts to get it over bodily with all the qualities it possessed for you when you experienced it.
The feeling conveyed over to one is almost a kind of instinctive feeling. You get continuously from good imagery this conviction that the poet is constantly in presence of a vividly felt physical and visual scene.
25. You can perhaps trace this out a little more clearly in a wider art, that of prose description, the depicting of a character or emotion. You are not concerned here with handing over any visual scene, but in an attempt to get an emotion as near as possible as you feel it. You find that language has the same defects as the metaphors we have just been talking about. It lets what you want to say escape. Each of us has his own way of feeling, liking and disliking. But language denotes these states by the same word in every case, so that it is only able to fix the objective and impersonal aspect of the emotions which we feel. Language, as in the first case, lets what you want to say slip through. In any writing which you recognise as good there is always an attempt to avoid this defect of language. There is an attempt by the adding of certain kinds of intimate detail, to lift the emotion out of the impersonal and colourless level, and to give to it a little of the individuality which it really possesses.
26. Certain kinds of prose, at any rate, never attempt to give you any visual presentment of an object. To do so would be quite foreign to its purpose. It is endeavouring always not to give you any image, but to hurry you along to a conclusion. As in algebra certain concrete things are embodied in signs or counters which are moved about according to rule without being visualised at all in the process, so certain type situations and arrangements of words move automatically into certain other arrangements without any necessity at all to translate the words back into concrete imagery. In fact, any necessity to visualise the words you are using would be an impediment, it would delay the process of reasoning. When the words are merely counters they can be moved about much more rapidly.
Now any tendency towards counter language of this kind has to be carefully avoided by poetry. It always endeavours, on the contrary, to arrest you and to make you continuously see a physical thing.
27. Language, we have said, only expresses the kind of lowest common denominator of the emotions of one kind. It leaves out all the individuality of an emotion as it really exists and substitutes for it a kind of stock or type emotion. Now here comes the additional observation which I have to make here. As we not only express ourselves in words, but for the most part think also in them, it comes about that not only do we not express more than the impersonal element of an emotion, but that we do not, as a matter of fact, perceive more. The average person as distinct from the artist does not even perceive the individuality of their own emotions. Our faculties of perception are, as it were, crystallised out into certain moulds. Most of us, then, never see things as they are, but see only the stock types which are embodied in language.
This enables one to give a first rough definition of the artist. It is not sufficient to say that an artist is a person who is able to convey over the actual things he sees or the emotions he feels. It is necessary before that that he should be a person who is able to emancipate himself from the moulds which language and ordinary perception force on him and be able to see things freshly as they really are.
Though one may have some difficulty at first sight in seeing that one only perceives one's own emotions in stock types, yet the thing is much more easy to observe in the actual perception of external things with which you are concerned in painting.
28. POETRY. I exaggerate the place of imagery simply because I want to use it as an illustration.
In this case something is physically presented; the important thing is, of course, not the fact of the visual representation, but the communication over of the actual contact with reality.
It is because he realises the inadequacy of the usual that he is obliged to invent.
The gradual conclusion of the whole matter (and only as a conclusion) is that language puts things in a stereotyped form.
This is not the only kind of effect produced on one by verse but it is (if one extends the same quality to the other aspects of verse I have left out) the one essentially æsthetic emotion it produces on us. Readers of poetry may attach more importance to the other things, but this is the quality the poets recognise among each other. If one wants to fix it down then one can describe it as a "kind of instinctive feeling which is conveyed over to one, that the poet is describing something which is actually present to him, which he realises visually at first hand."
Is there anything corresponding to this in Painting?
Erstdruck und Druckvorlage
The New Age.
A Weekly Review of Politics, Literature, and Art.
Bd. 30, 1922:
Nr. 22, 30. März, S. 287-288
Nr. 23, 6. April, S. 301-302
Nr. 24, 13. April, S. 310-312.
Unser Auszug: 13. April, S. 311.
Die Textwiedergabe erfolgt nach dem ersten Druck
Entstanden: 1911/12.
The New Age online
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/new-age/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000547317
Kommentierte Ausgabe
Hulme, T. E.: The Collected Writings.
Hrsg. von Karen Scengeri.
Oxford: Clarendon Press 1994.
S. 479-483: A Bibliography of Hulme's Works.
Hulme, T. E.: Lecture on Modern Poetry [1908].
In: Michael Roberts: T. E. Hulme.
London: Faber and Faber 1938, S. 258-270.
Hulme, T. E.: Belated Romanticism.
To the Editor of "The New Age".
In: The New Age. A Weekly Review of Politics, Literature, and Art.
Bd. 4, 1909, Nr. 17, 18. Februar, S. 350.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/new-age
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000547317
Hulme, T. E.: Bax on Bergson.
In: The New Age. A Weekly Review of Politics, Literature, and Art.
Bd. 9, 1911, Nr. 14, 3. August, S. 328-331.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/new-age/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000547317
Hulme, T. E.: [Rezension zu:]
L'Attitude du Lyrisme Contemporain.
By Tancrède de Visan. (Mercure de France.)
In: The New Age. A Weekly Review of Politics, Literature, and Art.
Bd. 9, 1911, Nr. 17, 24. August, S. 400-401.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/new-age/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000547317
Hulme, T. E. (Übers.): An Introduction to Metaphysics. By Henri Bergson.
London: Macmillan 1913.
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001916611
URL: https://archive.org/details/dli.bengal.10689.7403
Hulme, T. E.: German Chronicle.
In: Poetry and Drama.
Jg. 2, 1914, Nr. 6, Juni, S. 221-228.
URL: https://archive.org/details/poetrydrama02monruoft
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/011596380
Hulme, T. E.: Bergson's Theory of Art (Notes for a Lecture.) [1911/12].
In: The New Age. A Weekly Review of Politics, Literature, and Art.
Bd. 30, 1922:
Nr. 22, 30. März, S. 287-288
Nr. 23, 6. April, S. 301-302
Nr. 24, 13. April, S. 310-312.
URL: https://modjourn.org/journal/new-age/
URL: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000547317
Hulme, T. E.: Romanticism and Classicism [1911/12].
In: Speculations. Essays on Humanism and the Philosophy of Art.
Edited by Herbert Read. With a Frontispiece and Foreword by Jacob Epstein.
London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner; New York: Harcourt, Brace 1924, S. 113-140.
Hulme, T. E.: Speculations. Essays on Humanism and the Philosophy of Art.
Edited by Herbert Read. With a Frontispiece and Foreword by Jacob Epstein.
London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner;
New York: Harcourt, Brace 1924.
URL: https://archive.org/details/SpeculationsEssaysOnHumanismAndThePhilosophyOfArt
[Reprint 1960]
Hulme, T. E.: Further Speculations.
Hrsg. von Sam Hynes.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1955.
Hulme, T. E.: The Collected Writings.
Hrsg. von Karen Scengeri.
Oxford: Clarendon Press 1994.
Hulme, T. E.: Selected Writings.
Hrsg. von Patrick McGuinness.
Manchester: Carcanet 2003.
Literatur: Hulme
Allerkamp, Andrea / Schmidt, Sarah (Hrsg.): Handbuch Literatur & Philosophie.
Berlin u. Boston 2021.
Beasley, Rebecca: 'A Definite Meaning'.
The Art Criticism of T. E. Hulme.
In: T. E. Hulme and the Question of Modernism.
Hrsg. von Edward P. Comentale u.a.
Aldershot u.a. 2006, S. 57-71.
Brandmeyer, Rudolf: Poetiken der Lyrik: Von der Normpoetik zur Autorenpoetik.
In: Handbuch Lyrik. Theorie, Analyse, Geschichte.
Hrsg. von Dieter Lamping.
2. Aufl. Stuttgart 2016, S. 2-15.
Gibson, Matthew: Contradictory Images:
The Conflicting Influences of Henry Bergson and William James on T. E. Hulme,
and the Consequences for Imagism.
In: Review of English Studies 62 (2011), S. 275-295.
François, Arnaud (Hrsg.): L'évolution créatrice de Bergson.
Paris 2010.
Hadjiyiannis, Christos: Conservative Modernists.
Literature and Tory Politics in Britain, 19001920.
Cambridge 2018.
Jones, Patrick: Strange Distance: Bergson and Symbolism.
In: TRANS- [En ligne] 26 (2021).
URL: http://journals.openedition.org/trans/5909
Mead, Henry: T. E. Hulme and the Ideological Politics of Early Modernism.
London 2015.
Murphy, Neil u.a. (Hrsg.): The Routledge Companion to Literature and Art.
London 2024.
Paul, Zakir: Disarming Intelligence.
Proust, Valery, and Modern French Criticism.
Princeton 2024.
Literatur: Bergson-Rezeption
Ardoin, Paul u.a. (Hrsg.): Understanding Bergson, Understanding Modernism.
New York 2013.
Atkinson, Paul: Henri Bergson and Visual Culture.
A Philosophy for a New Aesthetic.
London 2021.
François, Arnaud u.a. (Hrsg.): Annales bergsoniennes 9 (2020):
Bergson et les écrivains.
Hass, Robert B.: (Re) Reading Bergson: Frost, Pound and the Legacy of Modern Poetry.
In: Journal of Modern Literature 29.1 (2005), S. 55-75.
McGrath, Larry: Bergson Comes to America.
In: Journal of the History of Ideas 74.4 (2013), S. 599-620.
Mead, Henry: T. E. Hulme, Bergson, and the New Philosophy.
In: European Journal of English Studies 12 (2008), S. 245-260.
Meissner, Werner: Zur Rezeption der Philosophie Henri Bergsons in Europa und Asien.
Gossenberg 2021.
Midgley, David: 'Schöpferische Entwicklung'.
Zur Bergson-Rezeption in der deutschsprachigen Welt um 1910.
In: Scientia Poetica 16.1 (2012), S. 12-66.
Mullarkey, John / De Mille, Charlotte (Hrsg.): Bergson and the Art of Immanence.
Painting, Photography, Film.
Edinburgh 2013.
Pondrom, Cyrena N.: The Road from Paris.
French Influence on English Poetry, 1900 – 1920.
Cambridge 2010.
Redl, Philipp: Bergson im George-Kreis – Mittler und Wege.
In: Kulturkritik zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich.
Hrsg. von Olivier Agard u.a.
Frankfurt a.M. 2016 (= Schriften zur politischen Kultur der Weimarer Republik, 18),
S. 207-221.
Rossi, Francesco: "Vom Wort ergriffen".
Weltanschauliche Verflechtungen der frühen Hölderlin-Philologie.
Norbert von Hellingrath im Dialog mit Ludwig Klages und Henri Bergson.
In: Norbert von Hellingrath und die Ästhetik der europäischen Moderne.
Hrsg. von Jürgen Brokoff u.a.
Göttingen 2014 (= Castrum Peregrini; Neue Folge, 7), S. 245-266.
Sinclair, Mark / Wolf, Yaron (Hrsg.): The Bergsonian Mind.
London u. New York 2022.
Stayer, Jayme (Hrsg.): T. S. Eliot, France, and the Mind of Europe.
Newcastle upon Tyne 2015.
Zanfi, Caterina: Bergson und die deutsche Philosophie 1907-1932.
Freiburg u. München 2018.
Literatur: The New Age
Ardis, Ann L.: Democracy and Modernism: The New Age under A. R. Orage (1907-22).
In: The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines.
Hrsg. von Peter Brooker u.a.
Bd. 1: Britain and Ireland 1880-1955. Oxford 2009, S. 205-225.
Ardis, Ann L.: The Dialogics of Modernism(s) in the New Age.
In: Modernism/modernity 14.3 (2007), S. 407-434.
Bains, Christopher: Le Paris d'Ezra Pound:
utopie et exil dans les pages de The New Age et The Dial.
In: Revues modernistes anglo-américaines. Lieux d'échanges, lieux dexil.
Hrsg. von Benoît Tadié.
Paris 2006, S. 79-93.
Brinkman, Bartholomew: Women's Poetry in the Modern British Magazines:
A Case for Medium Reading.
In: Women, Periodicals, and Print Culture in Britain, 1890s-1920s.
Hrsg. Von Faith Binckes u. Carey Snyder. The Modernist Period.
Edinburgh 2019, S. 313-328.
Garver, Lee: Neither Progressive nor Reactionary:
Reassessing the Cultural Politics of The New Age.
In: The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies 2.1 (2011), S. 86-115.
URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5325/jmodeperistud.2.1.0086
Jackson, Paul: Great War Modernisms and The New Age Magazine.
London u.a. 2012.
Martin, Wallace: The New Age under Orage.
Chapters in English Cultural History.
Manchester 1967.
Mead, Henry: A New Age Philosophy: A. R. Orage and T. E. Hulme
In:: Revues modernistes, revues engagées: (1900-1939).
Hrsg. von Hélène Aji u.a.
Rennes 2011, S. 133-150.
URL: http://books.openedition.org/pur/38408
Mead, Henry: T. E. Hulme and the Ideological Politics of Early Modernism.
London 2015.
Milburn, Diana: The Deutschlandbild of A.R. Orage and the New Age Circle.
Frankfurt a.M. 1996.
Scholes, Robert / Wulfman, Clifford: Modernism in the Magazines.
An Introduction.
New Haven u. London 2010.
Kap. 6: How to Study a Modern Magazine.
Taylor, Gary: Orage and The New Age.
Sheffield 2000.
Trexler, Adam: Crafting a New Age: A. R. Orage and the Politics of Craft.
In: The Journal of Modern Craft 4.2 (2011), S. 161-182.
Lyriktheorie » R. Brandmeyer